

At St Josephs’ Catholic Primary School, the safeguarding of pupils is a very high priority. By giving the pupils the knowledge to safeguard themselves and their personal information we are empowering them with a vital life skill.

We are committed to ensuring our pupils are safe in school and online. To find out more information, please access our e-safety policy under the Key Documents section of our website.

We regularly hold online safety training for pupils through our PSHE curriculum, Kidsafe lessons and Project Evolve. We may invite our local Police Community Support Officers to educate our children on how to keep themselves safe on devices and online games and the importance of ‘Being Kind Online’, and the consequences of cyber bullying. We also promote #wakepwednesday with the National College. These online safety posters for children and parents are posted every Wednesday on Class Dojo. 

If you have any concerns regarding your child’s safety online; Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command (CEOP) help children stay safe online. If someone has acted inappropriately towards your child online, or to a child or young person you know? It may be chat of an inappropriate nature, being asked to do something that makes the child feel uncomfortable or someone being insistent on meeting up. You can report it here; https://www.ceop.police.uk/safety-centre/


Further Information 

Lots of information to support parents can be found at internetmatters.org.  They provide online resources and advice to support and help families. This dedicated space provides expert advice, resources and tools to make the best use of tech.





It’s easy for a child to come across harmful content online whether by accident or on purpose. Internet filtering software is your line of defence. Here’s everything you need to know about internet controls in a handy guide, covering router filtering controls, parental software controls, ISP filtering controls and useful recommendations.  Please click the link: Parents guide to internet controls