Our Curriculum

‘Where minds blossom and love grows’

‘The Child continues to grow and become strong, increasing in wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him.’ 

Luke 2:40

#CatholicLife  #Achievement  #Reading  #Enrichment

At St. Joseph’s, we have developed our curriculum to incorporate the 4 key aspects of our teaching and learning whilst prioritising our faith at the heart of everything that we do.  

As a staff team, we have taken the National Curriculum skills and knowledge objectives and the Statutory Framework for Early Years Foundation stage skills and carefully plotted them from Nursery through to Year 6 on our bespoke long term curriculum maps. We did this as Subject Leaders first to ensure coverage and progression through the year groups and then as class teachers to look for meaningful links between the subjects in our Year group.  


If you have any questions about our curriculum, then please contact Mrs Hamilton who is our Curriculum Leader.



Our staff hard at work mapping out our bespoke curriculum to ensure coverage and progression. 

Our aim is to provide all our children with a broad and enriching curriculum that inspires and motivates them to learn and become well-rounded individuals. It is inclusive to match the needs of all individuals. We also want to give our children the solid foundations as young people growing up in a multi-cultural and diverse society by giving them social and cultural experiences that will broaden their understanding of the wider world. We also have enrichment days and activities such as Science weeks, RE visits, Forest School days, trips, art weeks, sports events to name a few. The additions to the curriculum help to provide the children with the skills, values and experiences to prepare them for their future lives. Take a look at our curriculum planning on individual subject pages. There you will find our Curriculum Maps , Curriculum Long Term Overviews and medium Term Plans.  Also, see the Year Group pages to see the curriculum in action.