Year 3

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

Hello Year 3 and your parents/carers!

Myself (Miss Lee) and Miss Watters, our teaching and learning assistant will be working as a team to make this year fun and to achieve our goals together!

Our main priority is to support you all to aim high when making progress in all areas throughout this year.

We will be adding all the amazing learning to this page over half-term so please keep checking!

For parents/carers, we operate an open door policy and I am available at the end of the day. Alternatively, please get in touch by phoning the office or message me on Class Dojo and I will respond as soon as possible.

Let’s make 2024/2025 the BEST year yet!

Best wishes,

Miss Lee and Miss Watters

General Information:

PE– Our PE days are on a Monday and Thursday. On Monday’s we will be focusing on our fundamental movement skills and on Thursday’s we have an expert Judo instructor in to teach the children Judo. 

Homework– The children will receive maths, English, spelling, RE value thoughts and creative curriculum homework on a home learning log sheet that will be handed out every Friday. This is to be completed at home and then brought in when completed. Golden time will be given to the children who complete the homework or this will be used as time for children to complete their homework. 

Behaviour Children are to follow the 3 simple rules of READY, RESPECTFUL and SAFE. If your child displays these consistently, they will receive a recognition award. If 3 or more are given in one week, their names are mentioned in assembly and they will receive a raffle ticket to be entered into the grand prize at the end of the term. 


Wonderful Websites:

Purple Mash

Hit the Button

TT Rock stars Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (

Autumn Term 1 

Curriculum news: Follow the link below to see what we will be getting up to in our curriculum this Autumn Term!!

Our Gospel Value for this half term is: KINDNESS
What is kindness? How can we show kindness in our day to day lives? 

We will be looking into this throughout the half term.


Our focus this half term in art is printing. During this lesson, the children were finding natural objects with various textures to use to make a masterpiece!
Here are some photos of Year 3’s using vegetables to paint and print with before we start our final project!
We are super lucky to have Dan our Expert Judo Instructor teaching our Thursday PE lessons. Year 3 are really getting stuck into these classes🥋