Year 2

Year 2

Year 2 Class Page

Teacher: Miss Mills

Teaching support: Mrs Crabtree

We are so happy to be back and learning! Here you will find information about our class and see some of the wonderful work we have been doing.  


Useful Information

  • PE will take place every Tuesday.  Please make sure that your child removes any jewellery and has their PE kit in school. If you cannot remove jewellery please put plasters over. Tracksuit bottoms and tops can be worn over kits when the weather gets colder.
  • Reading books and diaries will be checked every morning so should be in school every day. Please encourage your child to read daily as it helps in ALL aspects of their learning.
  • Homework/Learning Logs will be posted electronically on Class Dojo. Please add any photos or videos of completed homework on your child’s Portfolio on the Class Dojo site. Paper copies will also be available.

If you have any worries or questions, then please feel free to contact any of the Year 2 Team who will be happy to help.

Spring 1


Our Gospel Value is: Honesty

Honesty Definition Print - Magic Posters

How have you shown honesty this half term?



Spring 1 curriculum web



Autumn 2

Our Gospel Value is: Love

Love Definition Bible 1 Corinthians 13 Bible verse' Sticker | Spreadshirt

How have you shown love this half term?

  • I have shown love to others by helping them when they are hurt. – Everlyn
  • I have shown love to people in my class by helping them with their work. – Amelia
  • I have shown love to everyone by making sure they are included in games. – Miya
  • I have shown love to my teachers by giving them hugs. – Kian

Year 2, you are amazing! Keep up the love!


Autumn curriculum web 2

A great 8 week half term, full of exciting experiments, visitors and great memories!

Autumn 1

Our Gospel value is: Kindness

Kindness Definition Print Kindness Quote Print Kindness Wall Art Mental Health Print Empathy is Cool Cool to Be Kind Self Care - Etsy UK

How have you shown kindness this half term?

  • I have shown kindness by helping my Mum and my friend feel appreciated! – Maxine
  • I have shown kindness by helping others when they are hurt. – Dollie
  • I have shown kindness by making others smile! – Elsie-Mai
  • I have helped my Grandma with the washing up! – Carter
  • I have shown kindness by helping the teacher with the printing. – Briana
  • I have shown kindness to Miss Mills by helping keep the classroom tidy! – Sean

Well done everyone! You have done brilliantly!



Autumn 1 Curriculum web

Year 2 have worked super hard this half term! Their work has been superb and they have gone above and beyond for each other – showing our Gospel value with great passion!