Headteacher blog

Headteacher blog

It is now some four weeks into these strange times, something I have never experienced in the forty years I have been in education. No school, no going to work, little contact with the outside world other than by TV and social media. I hope all our families, staff and friends of the school are safe, are well and looking out for each other.

I am tremendously proud of the way in which the school has continued to open and look after our children whose parents and carers are key workers. I am also proud and thankful for the work of the staff as they have relentlessly battled to obtain the food vouchers for our needy families. This has taken so much time, with each one being done individually, and it must have been so frustrating when the website crashed time after time. But at least it has worked and our families have been able to access this help.

We will get through this, and lets hope St Josephs will re-open sooner rather than later.

As Miss Griffiths said yesterday, we all miss you.