Welcome to Year 2!
Autumn 2 – Fire! Fire!
Wow! What a half term! Who knew we could achieve so much in as little as eight weeks. Below is a taster of what we did.
Our class topic was all about the Great Fire of London. We found out about the fire and it’s affect on the city at the time. We were lucky enough to have some artefacts from the Museum Service. The children were able to experience a 17th Century fire helmet and bucket. If you look really closely in the photograph you can see our printed ‘fire pictures’ in the background too.
All of the children agreed that the buckets were not the best thing to try and put the fire out. Neither was the ‘squirt’!
Elf Run!
We supported St John’s Hospice this term by buying an elf hat and then going on an ‘Elf Run’. We got to wear our own clothes and brought in donations for the Hospice. Check out the school newsletter to see how much we raised.
The children in EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 worked incredibly hard and then put on a magnificent performance of the ‘Sleepy Shepherd.’ It was great performance with tremendous acting and the children managed to learn over ten songs off by heart, with actions too!
Say hello to St Joseph’s first set of Reading Warriors. Our mission is to share our love of reading with as many people around our area as we can. We want to see how far we can go! We have hidden fantastic story-books in the area where we live and left a message for the finder to enjoy the book and pass it on. Will you find one of our books? Please comment on our contact web page or, better still on the school Facebook page! We can’t wait to hear from you.
We’re Going on a Bug Hunt!
In our science lesson, we wanted to find out what kind of animals lived around our school. We chose two habitats – just outside our classroom and the woods to investigate. You can see us using our amazing observational skills in the photos below. We found out there there were more ladybirds and their larvae than any other animal on that day.
Reading Bears
We have just introduced our class bear, ‘Jojo’ to reading. He loves it! In fact he loves it so much that, he has started going home with the children to read at home as well. Our wonderful grown-ups have also started taking photographs so I can see what’s happening when Jojo leaves school. The other bears in class want to go home with the children now, but I’ve had to make them promise to read as well. Can you help them with their reading?
UPDATE: Watch Out! The dinosaurs are out for the weekend and they are reading too!
Terrific Teapot Tales
The children have been working very hard this week in creating their own versions of ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’ by Judith Kerr. They included their own characters and where they went to eat. The children found the work quite challenging but Tiger seems to be impressed with the outcome! Watch out next week for the children’s own creative home stories.
We celebrated Roald Dahl’s birthday month by listening to the Enormous Crocodile, (We didn’t like the tricks he played on the children!). Then we retold the tricks in our Exciting Writing and put them into Crocodile’s mouth. We were very glad that the animals helped to save the children and Crocodile was flung to the sun.
Hello and welcome to the Year Two Class web page. We are so happy that you have chosen to look at our page!
My name is Mrs Garnock-Jones and I am the class teacher. Mrs Stones is our wonderful teaching assistant. Together, we will be working with the fabulous children in Year Two to help them grow and shine – we really do want them to be the best that they can possibly be! With your help and God’s love, it will be a truly amazing year.
We will use this page to show you some of the exceptional activities that the children will experience, so please come back and check it regularly. Should you have a query or concern, please pop in, phone or send a message on Class Dojo and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Many thanks, Mrs Garnock-Jones
READING – Please make sure that your child brings their reading book to school everyday. Reading is such a vital skill and we need to encourage all the children to read as much as possible. There are lots of new incentives to encourage your child to read, both at home and school. If you would like some more ideas on what to read with them, please check out our ‘Book Flix’ display by the classroom door.
PE – Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. Please make sure that your child has the correct kit in school on these days.
Learning Logs –Every Friday, your child will receive a new Learning Log. This will include a range of activities that they can try out and practise at home. It should be returned the following Friday to be updated.
Our first topic is called Lancaster Living and is all about the area in which we live. Please feel free to add any additional photographs or information to the Learning Logs so the children can share their experiences as they learn more about this beautiful local area.
As the season begins to change, please could I ask that your child comes to school with a coat EVERYDAY. They would also benefit from having a water-bottle so they can access water easily.
Tuesday 9th September
Look who came to visit!
We had surprise visitors in class today, carried in by the careful hands of Miss Deakin. Can you see what they are?
Our class were able to stroke the chicks and Miss Deakin has promised to bring them back for us to hold when they are a little older.
Would you like to have chickens in school?
Thank you Miss Deakin for bringing them to class – we loved them!